How can we help you?
Students will be enrolled in the following subject areas:
- Mathematics
- Science
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- English
- Christian Foundations
Plus a rotation of:
Term 1: Food Tech
Term 2: Health and Physical Education
Term 3: Arts
Term 4: Digital Technologies
** Please note that rotational subjects may change from year to year.
Students studying in Years 10 to 12 can select from either a Uni-ready or Workforce-ready pathway. Courses in Years 11 and 12 are QCAA approved and enable students to work towards their QCE.
The Workforce-ready pathway prepares students to join the work force after school through quality courses including QCAA Applied subjects and VET courses in Years 11 and 12. Students on this pathway must select one English and one Mathematics course along with the compulsory Christian Foundations or Religion and Ethics courses. They will then select from the Certificate courses on offer each semester.
Senior Phase Uni-ready students will complete 6 subjects including English, a minimum of one Mathematics course and the compulsory Christian Living or Religion and Ethics courses. They may apply to select an additional subject from the list if they want to have more options for their ATAR calculation. This means they will be undertaking 7 subjects in total at no extra cost.
At Groves Christian College students can prepare for their future career by following a Workforce-ready pathway or a University Ready pathway. Students might want to pursue a career that require a mix of subjects and will therefore continue in a Blended pathway. This must be negotiated .
Students complete weekly coursework following the school schedule, providing evidence of their learning and participating regularly in Teaching and Learning sessions. Teachers monitor student progress through regular work submissions and provide timely written and verbal feedback to families.
Students will be enrolled in the following subject areas:
- Mathematics
- Science
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- English
- Christian Foundations
Term 1: Food Tech
Term 2: Health and Physical Education
Term 3: Arts
Term 4: Digital Technologies
** Please note that rotational subjects may change from year to year.
Groves Distance Education courses are delivered through our online platform ‘Learner Link’ along with traditional textbooks and workbooks that are aligned with the Australia Curriculum.
No. Currently there are no subject offerings for languages in Groves Distance Education at this time.
Learning Objectives
Students with additional needs often effectively participate in the regular coursework through modifications and additional support. However, some students require programs that entail substantial or extensive educational adjustments which would be agreed through an IEP.
While engaged in their school work, students require active supervision from their home tutor. The required level of supervision depends on various factors, including age and level of independence. Parents are in the best position to determine the appropriate amount of parental supervision and guidance for their child.
It is expected that students will gradually assume greater responsibility for their own learning and completion of work as they progress through each phase of their education. The type of support and encouragement provided by the home tutor will vary based on the age and abilities of the students. For instance, in the early years of Primary schooling homework will deliver and guide school work heavily, based on the curriculum and support of their Groves teacher. In the Middle Phase (Year 7 to 9), students are capable of a higher degree of self-sufficiency and must take on more responsibility for their academic success than in Primary school. Similarly, in the Senior Phase (Year 10 to 12), students bear a significant level of personal responsibility for their performance. The efforts that home tutors have invested in teaching their children time management skills, study skills, and meeting assignment deadlines become particularly important during this later phase of schooling.
SWANs is the name given to the Groves Distance Education enrichment program for Students With Additional Needs. The SWANs program refers to custom learning arrangements which support those students.
Home tutors assume the role of tutoring, supporting, guiding, and monitoring their students’ coursework. This position demands time, commitment, and effective planning, along with the capacity to maintain open and regular communication with the teaching staff.
While teachers are accessible during school hours to address any queries your child may have, parents have a crucial role in ensuring their child’s safety and well-being. As students possess diverse learning requirements, some may necessitate additional support and assistance, which may involve a more hands-on approach as determined by the home tutor in discussion with the Groves teacher. As students progress through different phases of learning, they gradually require less guidance and assistance, working together with greater independence.
It is recommended that students are actively engaged in schooling for 25 hours a week (this includes curriculum-based excursions, workshops, study days and Teaching and Learning sessions). Families are offered a flexible timetable that allows them to fit this schooling around extra-curricular activities and family schedules.
Home tutors are expected to review, grade, and provide regular feedback on their students’ daily learning activates, while teachers are responsible for grading and providing feedback on all assigned assessment tasks. The prompt, direct feedback from home tutors enables learning progress. Teacher grading informs the report card subject results.
Teaching and Learning sessions are scheduled video chat sessions conducted through Microsoft Teams. The frequency of these sessions vary depending on the specific phase of learning. In Primary school (Prep to Year 6), students engage in individual sessions with their home class teacher throughout the semester. For Secondary school (Year 7 to 12), regular group chat sessions are timetabled to effectively deliver core concepts. These sessions are scheduled at specific times and may be recorded for students who cannot attend for legitimate ‘absence’ reasons (eg. sickness). In addition to these group sessions, periodic catch-ups with the home class teacher are also utilised. Our teaching and learning sessions are designed to support students through their online lessons in Learner Link. These sessions with Groves teachers ensure course delivery, feedback and progress, which is complemented by home tutors. Throughout each phase of learning the teaching and learning sessions look slightly different.
Students with additional needs often effectively participate in the regular coursework through modifications and additional support. However, some students require programs that entail substantial or extensive educational adjustments which would be agreed through an IEP.
SWANs is the name given to the Groves Distance Education enrichment program for Students With Additional Needs. The SWANs program refers to custom learning arrangements which support those students.
Under limited conditions, yes. Students are enrolled in a full-time capacity at Groves. Based on subject timetables, students need to attend their scheduled Teaching and Learning sessions, and allocate sufficient time to their courses. In the situation where families believe their timetable and course routines may accommodate some work commitments, we ask that families contact the College to discuss.