Make it Your Mission

“Outstanding people have one thing in common:
an absolute sense of mission.” – Zig Ziglar

Professional Support

Coaching and mentoring from experienced teachers and leaders.

Strategic Teaching

Apply evidence-based teaching skills and classroom management strategies.

Professional Learning

Peer Triad Professional Learning Community, Digital Portfolios, Co-teaching, Teach Meets, Peer Coaching

Professional Support

Coaching and mentoring from experienced teachers and leaders.

Strategic Teaching

Apply evidence-based teaching skills and classroom management strategies.

Professional Learning

Peer Triad Professional Learning Community, Digital Portfolios, Co-teaching, Teach Meets, Peer Coaching.

Employment at Groves

Groves Christian College is a not-for-profit entity, owned and operated by Christian Community Ministries Ltd (CCM). CCM operates colleges located in Queensland, New South Wales, South Australia and Western Australia, in both regional and metropolitan areas, creating a wide variety of employment opportunities for qualified and committed Christians. CCM Colleges enrol children of those parents who choose for their children and themselves to participate in a Christ-centred educational community in the Christian faith tradition of the College, including as outlined in the CCM Statement of Faith. Parents seeking enrolment for their children undertake to support the College in its creation of a community of faith, which will both nurture and support. Christian in their faith and reveal the gospel of Christ to those who do not yet hold that faith.

Employment at Groves

Groves Christian College is a not-for-profit entity, owned and operated by Christian Community Ministries Ltd (CCM). CCM operates colleges located in Queensland, New South Wales, South Australia and Western Australia, in both regional and metropolitan areas, creating a wide variety of employment opportunities for qualified and committed Christians.

CCM Colleges enrol children of those parents who choose for their children and themselves to participate in a Christ-centred educational community in the Christian faith tradition of the College, including as outlined in the CCM Statement of Faith. Parents seeking enrolment for their children undertake to support the College in its creation of a community of faith, which will both nurture and support. Christian in their faith and reveal the gospel of Christ to those who do not yet hold that faith.

Employment Requirements

CCM schools and early education centres adhere to the historic doctrines of evangelical Christianity and believe the Bible as originally given by God is divinely inspired, infallible, and entirely trustworthy, and is the supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct. Employment candidates are required to be a person of active Christian faith who will support the vision, mission and values of CCM and the College, including our Statement of Faith.

Employment Requirements

CCM schools and early education centres adhere to the historic doctrines of evangelical Christianity and believe the Bible as originally given by God is divinely inspired, infallible, and entirely trustworthy, and is the supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct. Employment candidates are required to be a person of active Christian faith who will support the vision, mission and values of CCM and the College, including our Statement of Faith.

Current Employment Opportunities

View current available positions at Groves Christian College. Please note that all applications require a completed Groves Application Form as part of the submission process.

Current Employment Opportunities

View current available positions at Groves Christian College. Please note that all applications require a completed Groves Application Form as part of the submission process.

Working at Groves Christian College

Employment at Groves Christian College is subject to provisions of the Christian Community Ministries Schools Enterprise Agreement 2024 (unless specified otherwise in the job advertisement or position description). The Agreement includes provisions regarding mission, objectives and staff lifestyle requirements, basis for employment, classification of roles and employee entitlements (including remuneration and leave provisions). The agreement is available to view on the Fair Work Commission website. The Fair Work Commission also provides information statements for new employees, including casual workers. View the information statements below.

Working at Groves Christian College

Employment at Groves Christian College is subject to provisions of the Christian Community Ministries Schools Enterprise Agreement 2024 (unless specified otherwise in the job advertisement or position description). The Agreement includes provisions regarding mission, objectives and staff lifestyle requirements, basis for employment, classification of roles and employee entitlements (including remuneration and leave provisions). The agreement is available to view on the Fair Work Commission website. The Fair Work Commission also provides information statements for new employees, including casual workers. View the information statements below.