This year we have had the pleasure of sharing Holy Week as a College community, to collectively explore a selection of the significant events that lead up to the pivotal moment in history, Jesus’ death and resurrection. Students have learned about:

Palm Sunday:
Jesus’ triumphal yet peaceful entry into Jerusalem on a donkey. With the crowd cheering and waving palms, we were reminded that Jesus’ teaching and life was now steadily progressing towards the ultimate purpose of his earthly ministry. We also observed how Jesus’ life and ministry was also raising opposition, and how the plot to arrange his arrest emerged.

Jesus’ arrest:
After the Last Supper and aware his death was approaching, Jesus went to Gethsemane with a few disciples to pray. However, Judus’ betrayal was completed when he greeted Jesus and signalled for arrest. We reflected on Jesus’ submission to the difficult journey ahead, as he knew it was necessary in God’s rescue plan for us.

Good Friday, the crucifixion:
As classes and cohorts, students shared presentations of Jesus’ final hours, when he paid the ultimate price as a perfect sacrifice, bearing the penalty of sin for the disobedience and rebellion of humanity.

Easter Sunday, the resurrection!
We have celebrated the culmination of the Easter events, Jesus’ victory over death and his enduring invitation to salvation. We have learned the Good News: that the hope of freedom from sin, bought with Jesus perfect sacrifice, is open to all who repent, seek forgiveness and believe.

We pray you have opportunity in the Easter break to reflect and celebrate the momentous events of Easter in your own church communities, and to appreciate the enduring importance of the Good News.

Susan Hindle
Head of College