Groves Christian College runs a Before & After School Care program for the convenience of our families. We do this to better serve the needs of the school community. “Before School Care” is held at the Early Learning Centre and “After School Care” is held in the H Block Hall on Campus 1. Before and After School Care caters for all students from Prep to Year 6.
Before School Care
Each school day from 7:00am – 8:00am at Early Learning Centre (44 Laughlin St). The Groves bus transports students to Campus 1 before school starts.
2022 Fees: $20 per child per day less any CCS entitlements.
After School Care
Each school day from 3:10pm – 6:00pm on Campus 1 (Laughlin St). Campus 2 students who require OSHC, are able to catch the shuttle bus to Campus 1 and walk directly to an OSHC staff member.
2022 Fees: $27 per child per day less any CCS entitlements.
Payment Information
The confirmation fee is non-refundable and goes towards their first week’s fees. If you withdraw from the program you will need to give at least 24 hours notice to avoid further costs. Payment must be paid at least fortnightly. Unpaid places will be made available to others on the waiting list.
Payments can be made by direct debit and EFTPOS. The After School Care program is also eligible for the Child Care Subsidy for eligible families. You will need to provide your CRN number to be eligible for this subsidy. Completed application forms and all required documentation is required before we can accept your child.
To enrol please complete the Enrolment Application Form and return it with your confirmation fee as soon as possible. Once enrolled, please write a note in your child’s diary to notify their teacher which days they are attending ASC.
For further information please contact us:
Groves Early Learning Centre
44 Laughlin Street, Kingston QLD 4114
(07) 3380 5833